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Difficult to Use Software


   Outside reps synchronization
   Old outdated software system
   Data double entry
   Back office integration
   Long rep training period
   Difficult to use, complex software
   Increasing development time
   Other IT pains

































Your end users (sales and marketing reps) complain that their system is difficult to use. Most likely, they are right. Health Plans buy software to help their employees be more productive, so it is not unreasonable for managed care organizations to demand easy-to-use software. Ease of use should be the primary guideline for any software company developing new or upgrading current applications.


How do you end up with difficult to use software?

When software development teams are in a rush to deliver, they sometimes skip some of the recommended software engineering principles. They add last minute features to an already overstuffed product where many features are not used. Older modules are mixed with new ones, which make the user interface inconsistent.

Sometimes different developers work on different parts of the user interface, so it does not seem as if it goes together. Because the team may be small, and they are behind schedule, they do not have time for a lot of testing, especially usability testing. You will find that a lot of “cowboy programmers” — especially those under pressure — are more concerned with just making something work as opposed to making it usable. Quite often it is a management problem.

Despite the advancement in software development tools and processes, a large percentage of software applications are still difficult to use. In a recent study, the intended users rated 31 percent of in-house software unacceptable.

Difficult-to-use software results in considerable inefficiencies. Users of software applications, on average, spend between 4 and 10 percent of their time solving usability problems. Not all suppliers of health care software applications invest heavily in providing ongoing technical support where the majority of problems reported relate to usability issues. There are numerous complaints about "monster suites" — rule-based collections of modules or huge applications that try to please every department in your organization and take several years to deploy.

Developing highly-usable interactive systems requires a user-centered approach utilizing the latest design and assessment guidelines and techniques.

What was done to make HMOZ easy-to-use:

  • Planned the project from the beginning
  • Made the user interface simple
  • Did usability testing
  • Fully tested the product
  • Invested in Help
  • Cleaned up error messages
  • Developed a good install program
  • Has a support knowledgebase

The fully integrated HMOZ CRM service delivers all the benefits of traditional CRM software without any of the burden or risk. Features and benefits of the service include:

  • Fast access: Built for the HMOs/PPOs and available anytime, anywhere
  • Ease of use: Intuitive, easy to adopt, minimal training time
  • Customization and personalization: Easily adapts to a company's existing processes and staff structures and each user's needs
  • 360 degree view of customer: All departments share visibility into every aspect of customers and prospects
  • World-class functionality: Complete and secure service includes tracking, reporting, analysis, and forecasting available for sales, marketing, and support organizations at a fraction of the cost of traditional CRM systems
  • Wireless access from enabled cellular phones, Palm OS devices and pagers


HMOZ enables HMOs/PPOs to quickly improve sales and marketing performance and dramatically expand customer service initiatives.

The purpose of this comprehensive and easy-to-use software is to increase “productivity” and “profitability” through effective management control. You can find out more through the Solution Audit phase.

One Demo is better than a thousand words, and one Solution Audit is better than a thousand demos. We encourage you to follow our CRM proverb and take advantage of this opportunity.

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