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Other Pains


   Low enrollment
   Broker management issues
   Low customer retention
   Inaccurate reporting
   Quoting and underwriting delays
   Marketing campaign issues
   Competitor tracking
   Low productivity
   Increasing claims costs
   Increased expenses
   Billing issues
   Profit losses
   Merger difficulties
   Multiple offices and branches
   Internal communications
   Excessive paperwork
   Decrease in service quality













































Your HMO/PPO can experience other problems. The most common source of your pains is poor project planning and lack of consistent methodology. We know exactly what needs to be done to make Sales and Marketing within your health organization a pleasant experience for you.

Whether you have these or any other problems, we encourage you to take advantage of your technical support specialists, who can answer your questions and guide you through the Solution Audit phase.


With health care moving between direct and broker channels, health care marketers across the country have a new focus on customers. Like other industries, health care is beginning to realize the advantage of "knowing" and managing customers, particularly when trying to keep them. In the volatile health care industry, this customer knowledge is strategic for survival, best buoyed by the use of an HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing. Adding analytical capabilities to the customer information that organizations have traditionally maintained, HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing offer health care marketers greater speed and functionality not only to know their customers, but to hone their strategic planning as well.

Because of the competitive climate created by managed care, health care organizations (including providers such as health plans, hospital systems, physician management companies, etc.) can no longer rely on employer contracts or the laws of geographic convenience, to win and retain customers. An HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing provides in-depth customer knowledge, enabling a health care organization to lay the foundation for a relationship that makes members feel connected, more satisfied with overall services, and less inclined to leave.

Strong marketing strategies driven by customer intelligence enable health care organizations to better understand and meet the needs of customers, maximize campaign results, build loyalty, and, ultimately, improve bottom-line results. Today's customer-centric marketing practices utilize sophisticated CRM systems that drive intelligent marketing strategies from the promotions mailed to the services offered. Building this technology-enabled strategy benefits marketing departments as well as the entire health care organization's strategic planning.

With the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing, health care organizations will be able to:

Understand Customer Value: By using the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing to acquire and organize strategic knowledge about customer value, the health care marketer can develop profiles of loyal customers and determine customer lifetime value using information such as demographics, behavioral or lifestyle data, product and service utilization, survey data, and information about customer health care attitudes. The health care organization can use this knowledge to appropriately deliver care to its customers, keep its current customers happy, move other customers to higher levels of satisfaction, and acquire new members that have the same profile as their highly satisfied customers.

Evaluate Products and Services: The HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing provides information about the products and services customers use most often, which they most value, and the time that elapses between their contacts with the health care organization. Because customers in different segments tend to demonstrate different product and service affinities, marketers gain clues about which services to target to specific populations. The design and evaluation of services is always changing, and the health care marketers eventually identify certain packages of services that best attract new customers and that build loyalty among other customers.

Develop Contact Strategy: After the health care organization has selected prospects that closely resemble its best customers and evaluated the products and services being offered, it can better develop the contact strategies that will deliver the highest value for members. Using the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing, the health care organization can manage campaigns and track responses so that the contact strategy can be evaluated and refined over time. The marketers can test different media from direct mail and newsletters to phone and Internet and identify various ways to deliver value to both current and potential customers. Sachs Group's consumer research shows that an "engaged" customer, one who has used a service or had some kind of contact with the health care organization, is more satisfied and more loyal. Ultimately, the best way to engage consumers is to know their needs and target marketing efforts in areas suited to them.

Strategic Planning: Strategic planning evolves when marketers "close the loop" and manage marketing programs on an ongoing basis. Using the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing to benchmark, track campaigns, analyze results, and plan for the future based on their findings, marketers build a personalized strategic approach that takes health care marketing directly to the consumer. Health care organizations can then continually measure and refine the contact strategies that meet overall strategic goals.

While the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing enables health care organizations to implement customer-centric marketing, it also enables the organization to provide more of that customer information to everyone in the organization. By sharing the marketing-based information with medical managers, operations executives, sales, product managers, customer service representatives, etc., the health care organization can improve strategic as well as tactical planning. Anyone accessing the database throughout the organization can see and understand a customer's value to the organization as well as the products and services that may be of interest to the customers, allowing them to make appropriate up-sell and cross-sell suggestions. With everyone in the organization better equipped to understand and deliver customer value, real strategic planning emerges.

The HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing equips health care organizations with knowledge about the value delivered to customers, along with what, how, and when they use health care services — which is very powerful and actionable information. Over time, the health care organization better defines its most valuable customers and services, conserving resources while favorably serving customers with the services they want and need. In building these impressions, the health care organization yields significant and sustainable growth while retaining a more formidable core of loyal customers. By expanding the role of the HMOZ CRM for Sales and Marketing to drive marketing strategies, health care marketers can develop customized contact strategies that focus on customers' individual needs, respond to management directives and provide absolute accountability.


The best way to start solving your problems is to go through the Solution Audit phase.

One Demo is better than a thousand words, and one Solution Audit is better than a thousand demos. We encourage you to follow our CRM proverb and take advantage of this opportunity.

Click on one of the three links below to continue your HMOZ research.


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