reps synchronization
Old outdated
software system
Data double entry
Back office
Long rep training
Difficult to use, complex
development time
Other IT pains
The software system your sales and marketing reps are using is several
years old. You have multiple databases, unmanageable Excel and Word
documents, huge repositories of data, homegrown, unsupported programs,
or forms and fields thrown together by someone else to meet short-term
legislative requirements. Are you unable to produce meaningful reports
with this system?
Should you replace it?
Is this system fault-tolerant, secure, fast, and powerful enough
to make your HMO/PPO more productive? If not, is it a good time
to upgrade? Will this project succeed? Will it be self-funding?
Will you get your ROI?
The roaring nineties with its enormous enterprise-software projects
is over. But CRM software sales are picking up again, and many predict
an even greater resurgence of spending next year. Where does this
leave you?
Millennium fever had much to do with the glut of CRM spending that
occurred during the boom. Lots of HMOs/PPOs were updating their
software, which created an artificial spike in demand.
MCOs are still talking about CRM. However, now it is more realistic
it is an evolution, not a revolution. Health Plans have had
to accept that the solutions to business problems involving customers
are not easy, nor can they be solved with technology alone. Working
solutions, like HMOZ, combine expertise, industry knowledge, best
practices, technology, and six sigma methodology.
HMOZ solutions can be deployed in phases; after the first phase,
the project becomes self-funding. The technology itself is easier
to use and less expensive than most monster suites. The functionality
is the same, but productivity is much higher. Modularity of deployments
gives your organization more control on pace and direction of the
project. Your new system will never be outdated by the time it is
With HMOZ you get a better sense of how to assess value and return-on-investment
for information technology initiatives. You do not have to rely
on ROI calculations. HMOZ simply empowers management to do their
job and do it right. More importantly, we encourage canceling projects
that are failures. HMOZ offers 90-day project plans. Even if a project
takes two years to accomplish, we review it every 90 days. If a
manager kills off a project that is a failure, they get rewarded,
not punished. In healthcare, MCOs could spend five years putting
in a system that they know is a failure after the very first month,
because they have the budget and do not want to be the one who "kills"
the system after all that money has been spent.
How soon should you reconsider your old outdated software system?
Whenever you are ready to boost your productivity, increase your
profitability, and free your IT budget to spend it on what you need
Through the Solution Audit you can compare your old system to HMOZ
and get a roadmap of where your MCO should head.
One Demo is better than a thousand words, and one Solution
Audit is better than a thousand demos. We encourage you to follow
our CRM proverb and take advantage of this opportunity.
Click on one of the three links below to continue your HMOZ research.