Low enrollment
Broker management
Low customer
Inaccurate reporting
and underwriting delays
campaign issues
Competitor tracking
Low productivity
Increasing claims
Increased expenses
Billing issues
Profit losses
Merger difficulties
Multiple offices
and branches
Internal communications
Excessive paperwork
Decrease in
service quality
With operating costs rising, HMOs/PPOs are looking for ways to increase
productivity and reduce costs. Increasing productivity does not
mean reps should work longer hours, cut on their breaks, and slave
until they fall exhausted.
Boost in productivity can be achieved through the following:
- Having the right number of people in each department/for
each task. Too many reps bring chaos, too few reps feel overly
exploited. Below, we will analyze proper proportions that bring
balance into your HMO/PPO.
- Having the right specialists. It is always better to
have less people, who are highly qualified and trained, than more
people who do not have necessary experience. Besides, it is important
to have all the needed types of employees.
- Having a great working environment. Productivity rises
when managed care organizations have the right internal spirit.
Success generates success; depression will lead nowhere.
- Giving reps a tool that does work for them. Every profession
utilizes specific tools. It is not pen and paper for HMOs/PPOs
anymore. Taking advantage of automated systems is smart and crucial
for productivity.
- Giving reps easy-to-use tools they love. Making reps
use some "monster" system to do their job is cruel.
It will take them more time to learn and navigate through such
programs than to use old-fashioned pen and paper. On the contrary,
a system that is easy to use and user-friendly will make reps
the happiest people on earth.
- Showing appreciation. The tricky part is how do you know
whom you should show your appreciation to? With the right tool,
like HMOZ, you can monitor everyone's activities and review them
through the reports. Your knowledge and control over the situation
will definitely reflect positively on reps productivity.
- Having a business process and making it available to see
across the organization. Structured sales processes introduce
order and uniformity, minimize the number of errors, and make
sales teams more flexible and responsive to any changes.
- Having a faster flow of information. If "the winner
gets all", why allow your competitors to be there first?
Being faster internally will help you to close more sales.
Every HMO/PPO goes through very busy times and idle times, when
there is not enough to do. It does not depend on the size of your
managed care organization; everyone experiences "feast or famine".
Your reps get used to quiet periods, and it takes them too long
to speed up when heavy enrollment seasons come. HMOZ will share
with you some of the HMO/PPO best practices, through which you can
boost your productivity without adding wage costs.
How many sales and marketing reps do you need? Healthy HMOs with
fewer than 1 million subscribers should add 3,300 members per sales
and marketing rep annually. You should expect a 32 percent increase
in membership (16 to 48 percent is acceptable). Healthy HMOs with
over 1 million subscribers should expect 8 to 12 percent increase
in membership per year, according to HMOZ
CRM report. Benchmarks have shown that the optimum ratio is
1 sales and marketing person per 9,000 members.
The second most important factor in gaining high productivity is
having highly motivated people who leverage easy-to-use technology
to communicate. Imagine having all the subscriber, or member, or
broker information you need, in one place, even before you take
the call, and then a history of all interactions. Old style Health
Plans' data silos prevent people from doing their jobs professionally.
HMOZ makes it possible to have everything done on one call: one
and done.
Case Study: Technology influence on
Blue Cross Blue Shield Oklahoma had a challenge
to hold down administrative costs through higher productivity
a step toward moderating the rising cost of health care.
After investment into the new technologies,
BCBS OK associates have reached new levels of productivity. In
2003, productivity (the number of members served by each associate)
grew by 10.3 percent. This growth can be attributed to a more
than 15 percent increase in membership, while the number of associates
serving those members increased only slightly. To help associates
sustain the level of service and productivity improvement through
2003, the company has made substantial investments in new technologies,
including sophisticated document imaging. BCBS will continue to
provide the technological support needed to keep meeting the changing
and expanding needs of their membership.
Increased efficiency and accuracy reduce agent training time even
when multiple departments and healthcare companies are involved.
HMOZ gives you the luxury to touch every email only once and be
completely done with it. HMOZ automates repetitive paperwork, you
never have to go through the same piece of paper twice. Calculate
the time savings and the project becomes self-funding, with real
ROI. Productivity of your sales and marketing reps will skyrocket.
Large and small Health Plans alike are harnessing HMOZ business
intelligence software to gain vital insights from their data to
help them proactively enhance cost-efficiency, productivity, and
customer relations and optimize revenue-generating strategies. More
details can be obtained through the Solution Audit phase.
One Demo is better than a thousand words, and one Solution
Audit is better than a thousand demos. We encourage you to follow
our CRM proverb and take advantage of this opportunity.
Click on one of the three links below to continue your HMOZ research.