Low enrollment
Broker management
Low customer
Inaccurate reporting
and underwriting delays
campaign issues
Competitor tracking
Low productivity
Increasing claims
Increased expenses
Billing issues
Profit losses
Merger difficulties
Multiple offices
and branches
Internal communications
Excessive paperwork
Decrease in
service quality

Remember that proverb about the early bird? In sales, timing is
everything. The faster you can close a sale, the less chances your
competitors have at stealing your client. Quoting and underwriting
are complicated processes in the health care industry and involve
many factors: customer information, underwriting guidelines and
communication between companies, brokers, sales reps, and underwriters.
No wonder such multilayered interactions experience delays. It is
important to control at what step the congestion happened and resolve
the issues as fast as possible. What could possibly go wrong with
your quoting routine?
The most common reasons for delays are:
1. Lack of a synchronized process between sales and underwriting.
- Underwriting and sales do not notify each other immediately
when they get new information.
- Underwriting does not have access to the system that sales
reps use. They have to contact sales every time they need some
minor details about customers.
- Sales department is a mediator between customers and underwriting.
If brokers are also involved, then the length of the communication
chain doubles.
2. Inefficient gathering of customer information.
- Sales reps request more information from customers than needed
by underwriting for the quote. Customers can provide you with
basic information fast but it takes them time to prepare more
complicated data or pass a medical exam.
- Customers' applications might be incomplete. It takes time
to notice missing info since data entry into the system is manual.
- Customers are not contacted fast enough by sales reps about
missing data since reps do not have a complete view of their
- Customers submit a lot of paperwork, which is hard to process
and manage, and slow to access.
- Sales reps do not have entry wizards, templates with default
values in the system to boost their productivity.
3. Cumbersome manual rating process.
- Underwriting guidelines are not stored systematically in a
centralized location. Underwriters do not have access to the
most recent changes immediately.
- Underwriting does not receive data from sales reps in electronic
format and cannot apply automated filtering/checking for requirements
to meet the guidelines.
4. Inefficient data format and data tracking.
- System cannot handle duplicates, e.g. people with the same
last names, leading to the confusion of underwriters.
- Dependents eligibility verification is manual.
- System does not help to qualify prospects according to the
type of organization (NFPs, sole proprietorships, partnerships,
corporations, self-employed).
- System does not support tracking employees by their types
(full-time, permanent, part-time, union, non-union, retirees).
5. Delays related to provider input.
- Underwriters require signed Conditioned Authorization form
from customers to request an Attending Physician Statement (APS)
from a provider.
- Providers do not respond promptly to underwriting requests.
Your organization may have these or less common problems with quoting
and underwriting: you are not alone. However, we have discovered
several must-know critical success factors we will share with you
later in our Solution Audit phase.
Most insurers request basic company and employee information to
get a preliminary rate or price quote, such as:
- company name
- company address
- line of business
- SIC code
- number of employees
- employee census: name, gender, age or birth date
- dependents of an employee
- employer contribution
Additional questions may include maternity coverage, dental insurance,
deductibles for hospital stays, etc.
Some health plans require more details: current carriers and benefit
design, requested plans, waiting period for new hires, retiree coverage,
number on COBRA and Union affiliation, employees who are waiving
coverage, employee occupation, hobbies, foreign travel, and smoking.
It is often requested that employees pass medical examination, the
insurance company may also acquire an attending physician's statement
or a report from the medical information bureau. It is important
to remember that efficient data gathering can help avoid delays
in the quoting process. Many HMOs/PPOs delegate the complete responsibility
for data collection on the end customer, thus, wearing out their
motivation to subscribe for the health plan.
Many HMOs/PPOs benefit from having a system that makes it easy for
a sales rep to contact customers, collect data through the efficient
process, easily manage it, and quickly create new customer accounts.
Efficient processes help end customers to pass their information
to the insurer faster and avoid data loss or misunderstandings.
The Humana Application team managed to improve their customer interaction
process through conducting phone interviews with prospects and then
transferring them to the underwriting department for a confidential
one-on-one interview to discuss medical history. During the interview,
the underwriter would determine additional requirements needed to
complete the underwriting process. After the underwriting interview
is completed, a prospect receives a mailed or faxed application
form, signs it, and returns it to Humana.
The application process for Humana One coverage takes less time
than is required by most other health insurance companies. Can even
this result be improved? Of course, if during phone interviews sales
reps and underwriting have access to an easy-to-use, centralized
customer relationship management system that is constantly synchronized
and gives a 360-degree view of a customer. What is the importance
of system accessibility by different types of users? It is faster
and easier to make decisions and communicate within one office rather
then across multiple locations, and it is more convenient and productive
to store information in a central location to avoid delays in communication
between sales and underwriting.
Moreover, interactions within the underwriting department can be
optimized by utilizing a common library for the rating guidelines
and data files, and by having instant access to the most recent
changes. Such updates can be managed by a single person and provide
uniformity across underwriters.
Health plans are in desperate need of a system that can store contact
details specific to their organization, run reports on these parameters,
and use them to qualify prospects. For example, having an efficient
way to handle employees separately according to their type (full-time,
permanent, part-time, union, non-union, retirees, etc.) not only
provides a clear and structured view of a customer organization,
but also helps underwriters rate them faster. Gain an unfair competitive
advantage. An easily customizable system, created specifically for
health insurance needs, is a powerful factor in producing your quotes
faster, while minimizing their cost.
Some insurance companies go for online quoting systems, unfortunately,
the Internet is not always the best solution to their problems.
Not only do these companies expose their rating mechanism and become
subjects to the online systems misuse or HIPAA privacy violations,
but they also lose their potential customers who do not have much
Internet experience. Online quoting tends to work only if it is
overly simplified and standardized, and available to a highly-educated
buyer or broker channel.
Buying a health plan online does not always offer customers a better
deal on premiums, because of strict state regulations and mandates
impacting premium levels. And it is hardly a miracle of one-stop
Having an online quoting system does not eliminate the need for
the usual old-fashion quoting procedure. It is much easier to perfect
just one routine than two at the same time. Since you cannot move
all your prospects to the online quoting, it is definitely worth
it to invest in the internal system that can make the quoting process
even faster and easier, until your online system is proven.
Accuracy can only be achieved by giving your front-line people an
easy-to-use, foolproof system. The cost to create, track, and follow-up
on quotes is increasing: these tasks must be automated. Imagine
how much eliminating even one piece of paper in the quoting process
would save you in a long run.
Comparing direct vs. brokerage close and renewal rates lets you
monitor and improve your channel. See the complete picture, sort
quotes by Account Executive, and know the status, tier, products,
reason, and activity on every quote. You've got the power.
One Demo is better than a thousand words, and one Solution
Audit is better than a thousand demos. We encourage you to follow
our CRM proverb and take advantage of this opportunity.
Click on one of the three links below to continue your HMOZ research.